Ph.D. Students
Ms. Mamta Yadav (2023-)
Mr. Manvendra Singh (2024 -)
Mr. Ritik Kumar (2025 -)
JRF Students
Ms. Karishma Sharma: JRF (2018-19)
Mr. Kiran Jose: JRF (2020 - 21)

​M.Sc. Students and their projects
Mr. Prateek Sharma (Theory behind the protein synthesis)
Mr. Rohan Pandurangi (Stochastic models for transport and phenomena)
Ms. Komal Malav (Understanding the DNA unwinding mechanism by helicase motor protein)
Mr. Vashisth Sharma (Study of random motion of Brownian particles)
Mr. Likhit Kaushik (Study of the structural properties of DNA at the microscopic domain).
B.Tech. students worked under me and their BTP projects:
Kushagra Sharma (2017): Stochastic Kinetics of Biomolecule
Krati Maheshwari, Anoop Singh (2019): Understanding the Elastic Properties of DNA
Abhishek Verma, Abhishek Sharma (2019): Random Walk and Its Applications
Shivam Saluja, Ujjwal Saraswat (2020): Fundamentals of Biomolecular robotics
Anurag Agarwal, Vibhor Garg (2020): Theoretical and Computational Approaches to Study Structural Properties of a Biopolymer
Naman Jain, Patel Parth Rakeshkumr (2020): Mobile-based program development on child health.
Shivam Singh, Rishabh Khatri (2020): Artificial Intelligence and Biomolecular Complexity.
Sajal Garg, Himanshu Sharma, Pranshul Garg (2021): DNA origami applications in cancer therapy.
Mehak Singhal, Utkarsh Goel, Mradul Bohra (2021): Development of android based app for helping people from mental depression.
Aayush Rathi, Himanshu MishraRohit Vijay (2021): Activity of molecular motor at the single molecule level.
Kishika Mittal, Riya Lodha, Ayushi Sharma (2021): Development of a web-based application to help farmers.
Harsh Agrawal, Kinjal Garg (2022): Machine Learning and its Applications to Biology
Divyesh Chhabra, Manan Pulinkumar Gandhi, Bhavya Arunbhai Patel (2022): Sign Language To Regional Language
Raja Singh, Ketan Jakhar, Gaurav Bhinda (2022): Interactive Web App for Recycling, Reselling and Car Pooling
Dhananjay Sharma, Rishiraj Yadav, Tanay Makharia (2022): Algorithm Visualizer
Chinmay Agrawal, Navneet Agrawal, Riya Chachlani (2024): Quantitative modeling of a molecular motor involved in chromosome end maintenance